Looking at the blog lately, you might think I’d stopped crafting, but I haven’t! Looky, looky, here’s a couple of things I’ve finished recently. First up is my Sweet Pea Shawl which I couldn’t finish because I ran out of yarn. But my mum got some more yarn for me and being the clever clogs that I am, I took the shawl with me to Denmark and finished it while we were there for Christmas. I couldn’t not have a project with me, right?! ;-)
The yarn is a bamboo and cotton mix; it’s really soft and has a nice weight to it so wearing it is really nice. The colour isn’t one I’d normally go for, I bought the first four skeins because they were reduced, but I do really like it. It’s kind of neutral but still has a bit of colour to it. Actually, I’ve been thinking about adding some kind of bling to it, just a little tiny bit that would catch the sun light. We’ll see…

This is a hair band I made just before Christmas. My intention was that the bigger ‘blobs’ of blue should cover my ears when it’s cold outside. But it’s tricky to get them to be in the right position, so I think I have to rethink that part of it. The flowers work, though.

And look! I got some bamboo crochet hooks! I like them very much. Do you have experience of taking bamboo crochet hooks on planes? I mean, inside the plane to actually crochet during the flight. How did you get it through security? What did the people on the plane say?
And for good measure I also got myself some more ‘normal’ crochet hooks. I suspect Tony was thinking “what does she need all those hooks for?!” But you know, before I only had a couple that I’ve borrowed from my mum and they are almost the same size. And how can I work under such conditions??! ;-)