Mandalas to Embroider Iron-Ons Not Working

You got a copy of Mandalas to Embroider (maybe as a Christmas present?) and you’re all excited to start stitching, iron in hand, ready to transfer the pattern and then…nothing. So frustrating.

I’ve received a few emails in the past couple of weeks that the iron-ons in Mandalas to Embroider don’t work. I briefly mentioned it back in November, but since I’ve received more emails about it, I thought it deserved its own post.

I do know that there has been an issue with a batch of the books (how many, I don’t know). I’m so sorry the iron-ons don’t work! Unfortunately, I am just the lowly author of the book so I have no control of the paper the book and its iron-ons are printed on.

If you have a copy where the iron-ons don’t work, please get in touch with the publisher, Search Press, about this issue: – remember to supply a receipt for the book.

P.S. If you have a copy of the Japanese version, there are no iron-ons, just FYI. I don’t know why it is different in this respect, but again, this is completely the decision of the publisher in Japan.



  1. Sue
    February 24, 2019 / 6:00 pm

    Hello Carina,
    I love your Mandalas patterns.

    Thank you for letting your embroidery buddies know about the faulty transfer patterns. I can only imagine how frustrated you must feel receiving many embroiders’ comments about the book. I hope this challenge as not put you off authoring other embroidery books.

    I have one of these book and now I am waiting for Search Press reply.

    With hugs Sue

    ps if I have missed a word or my sentences are muddled, I will say my dyslexic brain rules…

    • Carina
      February 25, 2019 / 11:12 am

      Hi Sue,

      Thank you so much, I’m glad you love the mandalas patterns! :-)
      It is a bit frustrating for me, but more so for those who have ended up with a faulty copy. But these things happen and it has definitely not put me off writing more books. Watch this space! ;-)

      xx Carina

  2. Annie Brooks
    August 17, 2021 / 10:22 pm

    Carina… I am enjoying this August Stitchalong …. week 3 stars amazingly fun. It’s getting me through a difficult period in my life where everything is changing big time and all my life love friends are seriously ill late 60 & 70s .
    Thank you and I just wanted to say your patterns are the best and lovely priced… you could charge more and I hope increase your embroidery fan base. My stitchery is all self taught not perfection ,but I adore doing it!
    The Jacqueline Windspear , Maisie Dobbs series is getting me through this period in my life! Along with a few Pbs tv series!

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