Recent Posts

  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
  • Happy Beltane!

    Happy Beltane!
Summer Slow Stitching Project

Summer Slow Stitching Project

Over on YouTube I have started a slow stitching project for the summer. I would love if you would join me! It is a small project, where we add a bit every week for eight…

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Happy Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice

I have been looking forward to the summer solstice. I love the long days at this time of year. And the short nights that are not nights at all but (astronomical) twilight. That feels more…

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Happy Summer Solstice
New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

This is my latest pattern, hot off the, well the embroidery hoop. The pattern has been a long time under way. I made the design some time last year, as part of the pattern lab…

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Happy Beltane!

Happy Beltane!

Belated happy Beltane! And belated happy Imbolc and Spring Equinox! Yes, I’m working on another Wheel of The Year inspired project! Which I am very much enjoying. It’s quite different from the previous two! 2022…

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100 Day Project Fabric Collages

100 Day Project Fabric Collages

The 100 Day Project started on Sunday! I’m taking part in it again this year. :-) My project this year is to make a daily fabric collage using all those little fabric scraps that aren’t…

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100 Day Project Fabric Collages
New Pattern: Wheel of The Year 2023

New Pattern: Wheel of The Year 2023

I’ve forgotten to tell you about the finished Wheel of The Year 2023 project. I love the end result very much. So many happy colours, so many happy hours of stitching. :-) And I hadn’t…

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New Pattern: Wheel of The Year 2023
Impromptu Visit to Copenhagen

Impromptu Visit to Copenhagen

Maybe you heard that the Danish Queen abdicated and so there is now a new king in Denmark? Less than a week before the proclamation day* of the new king I suddenly felt like I…

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Impromptu Visit to Copenhagen
New Pattern: Scandi Tree of Life

New Pattern: Scandi Tree of Life

I’m a bit behind with sharing this new pattern: Scandi Tree of Life. I absolutely loved stitching this, although it took a bit longer than planned, thanks to my somewhat dodgy right thumb. But I…

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New Pattern: Scandi Tree of Life
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