This post has pictures of crazy amounts of yarn. May cause green-ness from envy, or tears of boredom if you don’t care about yarn. Ye be warned! ;-)
Sorry about the missing pictures below! Sadly I have lost them so I can’t put them back…
When we were last in Denmark, we went on a daytrip with my parents and along the way we passed by the factory outlet for this Danish yarn make. Completely by accident, but there was NO WAY that my mum and I were not going to go in and have a look! So we did – leaving Tony and my dad in the car. Unfortunately, I also left my camera (and my phone!) in the car so I haven’t got any pictures from this Eldorado of yarn! (How cute is their logo? I love it!)
There were bins and baskets and shelves all full of yarn of pretty much any description. Fancy ones, cotton bamboo blends, wool, fluffy ones, silky ones and chunky ones. And in every colour imaginable. And in one corner they had baskets of the yarn I normally buy in Denmark – at reduced price! – so of course I had to stock up.
And I also got some yarn for my birthday, so it was quite a good haul I got to take home, take a look:
Did you just OD on yarn prettiness? I mean, bloody hell! I am set for crocheting for quite some time now. But at the moment I still probably shouldn’t crochet too much, so I have to settle for taking the yarn out of the basket from time to time and arrange the colours neatly. As you do. Right? I am not the only one who does this, right? Right?! Okay, maybe I am…
Anyway, I’ve had a couple of people ask me about the yarn I use and where they can get it. Well, I am afraid that it might not be terribly easy to get ahold of it. This is a representative selection of the different brands I normally get. Let’s ‘examine’ them a bit closer…
The green one is bought in a supermarket called Bilka. Looking at the label it is called “Bumbo Bomuld – cotton 8”. I suspect that this wouldn’t be available anywhere else. But maybe searching for ‘bumbo’ may give some leads. I only buy a couple of colours from that supermarket, because they have that awesome green and a nice yellow too. :-)
The pink one is from that outlet shop we visited, it is the kind I use the most of. It doesn’t have a fancy name other than “soft cotton 8/4 cotton” from Grønhøj Garn. It is very soft and is slightly ‘fluffier’ than the other ones, but they are the same size. I am not completely sure if they actually make the yarn or just import it. If we go there again I’ll see if I can get some more info from them.
I don’t know if this yarn is available outside of Denmark, although it may be in Germany and the other Scandinavian countries. Grønhøj Garn – the website only has contact information – but they may be able to tell you where to buy. I usually buy the yarn from a shop called Garnlageret Århus. I think they would ship outside of Denmark but you’d need to contact them to sort it out.
The yellow on the left is from another supermarket, SuperBrugsen, part of Coop, so this yarn may be available in the other Scandinavian countries where Coop operates. The ‘brand’ is called “id/ideas daily” and the yarn is called ‘bomuldsgarn 8/4’ (bomuldsgarn = cotton yarn).
Right. The second yellow I bought in a fabric shop called Stof og Stil. It is just called ‘Cotton‘. This yarn probably isn’t available anywhere else either. However you can buy it online, but they don’t have any information about shipping outside of Denmark (or Greenland and the Faroe Islands), so you’d need to contact them.
Finally, it is also possible to buy cotton yarn in the same size from a place called garn.dk, but I have never used them, so I don’t know exactly what it is like. However, they do ship outside of Denmark. Don’t know how expensive that would be, though!
Right, one thing I am really not that good with, is what size yarn is. All those names you see, they mean pretty much nothing to me. I really need someone to put yarn in my hand and tell me what size it is before I know. But I think this size/thickness of yarn would be called fine (or fingering or baby) – judging by this chart anyway. A size 2.5 – 3.5 mm hook is generally recommended for it. Hopefully this picture will help you jump to your own conclusions! ;-)
Finally, this is where my yarn lives: a big basket for the skeins that haven’t been touched yet and a big drawstring bag for the ones already in use + most of the current works in progress. Keeps things (kinda) nice and tidy. ;-)