I love these fabrics sooo much! I’m not usually that crazy about the Liberty fabrics.. not sure why. But I’m totally in love with these from the Bloomsbury collection. That one at the bottom.. Love. ♥
And I don’t even like red that much! But that one.. oh my. Maybe it’s because it reminds me of some of Matisse’s paintings.. which I love. The richness of colours.. the pattern.
I got these at Eclectic Maker – I think they’ve got most of the Liberty Lifestyle fabrics.
To be honest, I haven’t got a set plan for what I want to use these for.. but I figured that this collection might not be around forever, so best to build up a wee stash… ;-)

Top to bottom the prints are: Catherine, Woolf, Copeland, Lytton and Dorothy – all in the Magenta Teal colourway.
A couple more photos.. just because… :-)