I finished those 3D flowers I posted about a little while ago. I really enjoyed the process of using different stitches for each flower. But for some reason I was really, really impatient to finish it. Like, huuurry uuuup!

In the centre of this yellow flower I did a kind of weaving over some pins that I just made up as I went along. I had no idea if it would actually work. Or if the weaving would unravel as soon as I removed the pins. To be honest, I still think it might unravel if I mess about with it too much. ;-)

This purple and orange flower is probably my favourite. I don’t use purple that often but look how it just pops with the orange. Yum!

My least favourite part is the leaves. They don’t look as ‘together’ as the flowers, but that’s ok. I didn’t plan this thing out in any way, so it would be silly to expect it to be all ‘perfect’. I enjoyed making it and sometimes that really is the main thing.

The 3D petals in this pink flower, and the purple and orange one, are made of detached woven picot stitches. It’s a stitch I really like and want to do more with. :-)