This is Blake

It’s been kinda quiet here and this is why: we got a dog! His name is Blake and he’s a Jack Russell Terrier cross. Not exactly sure what the cross part is. He is from a Dogs Trust centre. He is approximately 4 years old, but we don’t know for sure.

He came home to us on Tuesday and it has been a bit of a settling in process which has taken quite a lot of energy. But we are getting to know each other and each day is a bit easier.

As you can see from the pictures, he is veeeeeeery cute. And pretty well behaved. We think he has had some training because he does respond to (some) commands.

I am sure you will be seeing more of Blake in future! You certainly will if you follow me on Instagram. (Sorry about all the dog pictures #sorrynotsorry).

Sadly, not-our-cat isn’t impressed with the new addition to the family so we have barely seen her since Blake arrived. To say that I am sad and feel guilty about that.. is an understatement. I hope they will eventually be friends, but who knows..


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