Recipe :: Delicious Easy Müsli

Happy Sunday! I snapped this photo the other week, but it feels very Sunday-y, don’t you think? :-)

I wanted to share my quick recipe for müsli. Although it’s been fried, so it’s more like a hybrid between müsli and granola, I guess. Müsola? Granoli? Whatever you call it, it’s delicious and simple to make AND you may have the ingredients in your cupboard already.

2 cups (500 ml) of porridge oats
1/4 cup (75 ml) desiccated coconut
2 tablespoons agave syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (or vanilla sugar if you have it)
1-2 handfuls of dried cranberries (or raisins if you prefer)
Optional: if you have some chopped almonds, nuts or maybe some fancy cacao nibs they can go in to.

Add the oats, coconut and the agave syrup to a large frying pan at medium heat. Stir regularly so it doesn’t burn. When it starts to change colour, add the vanilla extract. Keep stirring for a few minutes, then add the cranberries for another couple of minutes. Your müsola should now be a nice dark golden colour. You can keep it on the heat for a bit longer but take it off when it starts to burn. Spread on a sheet of baking paper to cool.

Eat with your favourite yogurt. Warm müsli on yogurt is delish! :-)

PS – The magazine in the photo is called Lionheart (issue six) and is a lovely read.


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