Last Call :: Pre-Order Mandalas to Embroider

This is a reminder for anyone who wants to pre-order a signed copy of Mandalas to Embroider from me: don’t dawdle, order it nooooow!

I plan on placing my order this week, so if you want to secure a signed copy (with some goodies you won’t get anywhere else), this is the time to do it. I will leave pre-orders open until Thursday morning, November 2nd, (UK time).

Pre-order your copy here.

PS Thank you to those who have already pre-ordered. It means a lot to me!

PPS Pre-orders are really important for books, whether you order from the author or places like Amazon or Book Depository*. If a book is popular those sites will push it to more people making it more visible which hopefully means more book orders. It’s all about the algorithm (I actually spelled algorithm correctly in the first try!)

*Speaking of Book Depository, the book is actually discounted over there. But obviously, it won’t be signed or wrapped in pretty paper. ;-)


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