Improv Stitch Sampler

If you follow me on Instagram, you will probably (depending on the current friendliness of their algorithm, of course!) have seen a few posts about this wee sampler.

I started it on a whim with no plan or design in mind. I just picked a few colours and started stitching. Then I added a few more shades and kept stitching. :-D

A pattern is nice, but sometimes it’s just a s nice to have no pattern and just let one stitch take the next. I’ve used pretty much all my favourite stitches in this so far. I think I may add a few more, not sure which, though.

Do you have a favourite stitch? Maybe a least favourite stitch? :-)


1 Comment

  1. January 20, 2019 / 11:09 pm

    This is so pretty, and looks super fun to stitch! The colours are bright and cheerful. So far, I think Stem Stitch is my favourite, although it’s so simple it makes such a lovely line. French Knots are still my stitch nemesis – sometimes I get them perfect, other times they’re so bad I have to cut them out and start again LOL

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