I think it’s quite new that messages like this are woven into the seats on the Tube. Or maybe I haven’t noticed it before. It’s nice to have the message spelled out like that. Not everyone is naturally inclined to be nice and give up their seat. More about Tube seats below.
Have a good weekend! :-)
Panda zipper bags. Tigers too. :-)
Cat paw socks. I saw a video for these on Instagram and I could not stop laughing. :-D
Museum of The Moon. I hope I can make it to see this at the Natural History Museum before it ends in early January.
I love stripy fabric. I’ve had these Yuwa stripes open in a browser tab for ages. Maybe it’s time to buy some stripes or let the tab go? :-D
The designers behind London Underground’s seating fabric. That particular type of fabric is called moquette and The Londonist have bitchily critiqued them all.
If you love natural hues, I think you’ll love the Instagram account of Heidi Gustafson. {via}