Since I’m sketching more, I decided I needed a bag for my sketching adventures in the neighbourhood, and further afield. So I made this one. Unfortunately, I hadn’t taken into account the bulk of sketchbooks and my watercolour kit, so I can’t fit in everything that I would like to. I needed a slightly larger one.
I’m still going to use this one but only when I’m taking the basics.

This is the modified version of the sketching bag. It is a bit wider, so there are now six pen pockets on the front. I also added a slider to the strap so I can adjust the length. It is useful to have a shorter bag strap when sitting down.

On the back is a gusseted pocket so I can add an extra sketchbook. Because sometimes you need more than one sketchbook! :-D
I had never made a gusseted pocket before so I’m taking it as a win that I only messed up one of the corners (carefully cropped out so it looks like I totally know what I’m doing!)

The first bag I made also had a zipped pocket but it it’s not very big. Atleast not big enough to hold my mobile. And since the bag is open, the mobile really needs to be in a zipped pocket so I can’t accidentally drop it, or someone try and nick it.
I’m really glad that I have these sewing skills because now I have a bag that is exactly how I want it. And if I’d been looking to buy one, it probably would have been expensive. But this bag is made entirely from my stash. Stash busting, yeah! :-D
It feels like this bag is going to do the job very nicely, I can’t wait to take it for a test! :-)