For several years, at least since 2019, I’ve had ‘get better at knitting’ on my goals list for the year.
So far I have not got better at knitting. Because ‘get better at knitting’ is too big, too unspecific. So I never even got started on getting better. I was just doing the occasional stockinette stitch project with no real purpose. My knitting is so basic, and in the past I have done it so infrequently, that I even have to look up how to cast off whenever I do finish a knitted project. Imagine me rolling my eyes. :-D
There is room for improvement!

For the past couple of months I have been planning for the week between Christmas and New Year to be devoted to learning some more knitting techniques. I hilariously thought that I’d be able to master both cables AND colour work but that obviously didn’t happen, that’s too much.
So I just focused on cables and it is going pretty well! I think I have nailed the cables themselves, now I need to work on travelling stitches.
Learning something new is both fun and interesting but also somewhat infuriating. Because there are stumbling blocks! Things I don’t understand! I’m trying to approach it with an open mind, expecting to stumble and not understand things and having to unravel things. Sometimes I almost have a physical reaction of resistance because I don’t want to do this thing that I don’t quite get. But of course this is a good place, this is where I know that I am learning something. Even if I get frustrated.

So far I have made a couple of cable swatches, which I will keep along with other swatches, to track my progress. And as actual physical manifestations of what I am learning. Because I suspect I will be doing a fair bit of unravelling through the coming year. And that is okay! But I’ll make swatches and maybe put them together in a textile book or something as a reminder.
I haven’t quite decided which techniques I want to learn, although cables and colour work are top of the list. I’m probably going to dedicate each month to one technique at a time. And some of the time will definitely be spent getting better at basic techniques. Like casting off, or what the heck you do if you drop a stitch and things like that.
Hopefully, in a year’s time I will be able to share at least a couple of projects I have knitted. My pie in the sky project is a cardigan but we’ll see…

I enjoyed this post. Your cable looks very nice! Love the pink!!! I knit swatches and tie a paper tag on them stating the name of the stitch, size of needles used, # of stitches to make the swatch, variable of stitches needed to make the stitch pattern, and the stitch pattern to recreate the stitch. You might want to include where the stitch pattern is found. This box has become an excellent resource to see and handle various swatches when deciding on a stitch pattern for an upcoming project. It also shows an instant gauge for the choice.
Thank you! Pink ftw! :-)
Thank you for the tip about writing notes about the swatches, it hadn’t occurred to me to do that but I will now! :-)