The first day on our recent Denmark trip, my mum gave me this crocheted pot-holder (top left)made by my mormor (maternal grandma). And since she died 20 years ago it’s probably quite a bit older than that! It was quite nice to get this, because I wasn’t really aware that my mormor did crafty things, due to her somewhat untimely departure from this world. Unlike my farmor whom I’ve seen do just about any needle craft you can imagine. So, I set out to copy this square!
Fortunately, I’d brought a crochet hook, so I got to work with some tapestry yarn my mum had lying around. The square looks quite pretty in monochrome as well, I think! Especially the rose and leaves bit.
As I worked on the first copy, I wrote it down, so I think I might type up a pattern for it. One day, eh..? I’m thinking it would be pretty to do an afghan with these squares, although I’m not sure if the middle is sturdy enough…
I made a couple more squares using cotton yarn. I wonder if this square design has a name…
On a completely unrelated note, right now Tony is having a go at the Rosetta Stone Danish programme. That makes me very happy, because he’s doing it without me bugging him to do so. I would love to teach him Danish on a daily basis, but I know better. I have long since realised that he does not share my love for languages, nor my fascination with grammar. So for me to try and teach him would be rather futile. Instead I’ll just sit here and be happy, listening to him repeating “en dreng og en hund”, “pigerne løber” “en dreng under en flyvemaskine”. ;-)
Hey there,
I'd love to see a tutorial of this square. It's so pretty!
Please do post the pattern, I would LOVE to make this, it just beautiful!
Thank you for sharing, this is really lovely.