I finished this little four seasons embroidery piece. I love how it feels. There’s just something about the raised, yet soft surface that is so amazing. I sometimes think this is the reason I do embroidery; to be able to run my fingers over it! Well, that and how much fun it is to play with all the colours.
I was thinking earlier how amazing it is that with a bunch of (almost) random stitches you can convey something like the seasons of the year. I’m actually not sure I can properly verbalise what I was thinking… I guess it’s a bit like Morse code, a bunch of dots and lines, but they do make sense. Or something!
The following stitches were used: french knot, danish knot (yay!), daisy stitch and straight stitch. I’m actually looking at it right now and I almost can’t believe I’ve only used four different stitches, it seems like it’s a lot more! But I guess it’s all the different colours…
I’m kinda sad it’s done, I may have to do another one. In the meantime I’m thinking about what I’m going to use it for. I might make a little bag and embellish it. Heh, for once I’m making something for me!