Goodness me! I really have been bitten by the embroidery bug this time. It is ALL I do! And when I’m not actually embroidering I am thinking about it or doodling the next thing. Crazy! Maybe it’s the heat… ;-)

Although, this one didn’t come from any sketch or drawing.. I just added a bit here and there and it ended up looking like this.

I really cannot encourage you enough to just have a play with a needle and thread. Let the stitches guide you, with the help of the colours. It is FUN! And, I believe that the brain needs this sort of ‘switching off’. It’s good for ya, just like staring out the window, thinking about nothing in particular, is good for you.

I stayed up ridiculously late to make a pattern for this (find it here and here). It is a bit more streamlined than my original; my original needle wanderings are usually quite wonky! ;-) While making the pattern I can’t help playing around with different colour possibilities. And I just seem to gravitate towards white on blue (or blue on white sometimes) – it reminds of old china… and it just looks pretty..