Do you know about Spoonflower? Those folks with the crazy idea: print your own fabric designs on demand. Isn’t that the awesomest idea ever? I’ve been meaning to try it out for ages, but it seemed like an unnecessary luxury expense so I hadn’t. But today (Aug. 20th only) they’ve got a superb offer that I just couldn’t pass up: 2 free swatches! So I stayed up way later than intentioned last night to make a couple of designs.
Well, the flowery one I kinda had already; it’s the same I use as my Twitter background. Oh, and because I liked it so much, it is also my computer wallpaper. The other one I just sorta threw together, although I have had a circle type thing in my head for a little while.

I am really excited about seeing my very own design on fabric (OhMyGodCanYouBelieveHowCoolThatIs?), but I am not 100% sure what the finished result is going to be like. I didn’t get too technical with the colour set up and stuff. I guess that is a test in itself – to see how well their printer handles an image that hasn’t been fiddled around with to match the colourscape exactly.
And I deliberately used lots of colours in the circle design to see how different colours come out. The floral one has more similar-ish tones in the colours, which apparently the Spoonflower printer isn’t completely happy rendering exactly. But it’s all good. It’s an experiment! :-)
If it has a happy ending I may make these available in some form or other…