How time flies… Six years I’ve been writing this blog. Can it really be that long? I guess it can! When you’re doing something you enjoy, you scarcely notice time passing..
Because, you see, I truly enjoy writing this blog, my little space on the internets. Blogging can be such a wonderful thing to do, just the frequency of doing something creative like this.. writing, taking pictures.. it fuels itself. It’s amazing.
Of course, there’s the other side of the coin – the one where you think “oh who’d read this rubbish” or “I should do things differently because then something awesome would happen like it did for that other blogger overthere”. That’s just the way it is. You have these thoughts, they sneak up on you and that’s kinda of a downer.
Lately, I’ve been thinking that maybe I should have like a proper mission for this blog, make things more stream-lined, have a regular posting schedule and such. Take things more seriously, I guess. That got me a little down, I must admit. Should. Should isn’t very inspiring, I think. It feels more like a straight jacket, constricting, claustrophobic.
So I gave myself a good talking to: don’t worry about it. It’s ok. It’s your blog. You do your thing. Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Hopefully, they’re doing things the way they are because that’s right for them. I do things the way I do them because that’s what feels right to me. The only thing I should do, is follow my heart, follow my inspiration…
I totally gave myself a permission slip to do whatever the heck I want. And it’s signed with love from me. ;-)
Erm, listen to me babbling on..! Really, I also want to say: thank you for reading my blog. It means a lot to me that I get to share my thoughts and pictures and ideas with you. So thank you. :-)
To celebrate, take 20% off anything in my shop from now on until Saturday (included). Just use the code HAPPY6 at checkout.
And of course, there’s a give away too! One fat quarter of the fabric in the picture below is up for grabs. The fabric is designed by me and I got a yard of it in the post today of all days, yay! So, if you’d like a chance at winning the fat quarter simply leave a comment on this post before 8am on Monday, May 21.
Oh and pardon the slightly blurry photo, it’s all I’ve been able to take today – check out the design, Bouquet, in my Spoonflower shop to see what it looks like. :-)

Happy Blog Birthday! I love reading it and look forward to your bright and lovely patterns. Keep up the great work!
Happy blog birthday! Hope you do lots of celebrating too. Thanks for a lovely giveaway – pattern looks gorgeous. x