Log cabin block with oversize blackwork

This is my little project for the Old Stitches, New Tricks competition over on the &Stitches blog. Obviously, I couldn’t enter, what with being one of the &S team, but I thought I should still make the effort. ;-)

I don’t know how inventive this little project is, but it was fun to do and I guess not that many people combine patchwork with oversize blackwork..

Normally, I don’t like those mustard/khaki colours, but they are totally working for me here! Or maybe I am starting to like them? Could it be? :-)

Do you like those colours? Are there colours you don’t like.. didn’t like but then they started to grow on you?


1 Comment

  1. June 6, 2017 / 12:20 pm

    So pretty!!!! I love this!

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