Follow Tiny Santa’s adventures

I started a silly advent series on Instagram, following Tiny Santa’s adventures. It was completely on a whim. On December 1 I drew a Christmas tree on our whiteboard with this tiny magnetic Santa attached so he looked like was tumbling from the top of the tree.

I can’t remember if it was me or Tony who said “what will he get up to tomorrow?” And that set the (snow) ball rolling, so now I’m doing it as an advent calendar.

Last night we were talking about what other adventures Tiny Santa can have, so there’s a wee list of ideas. But a lot of them will be spur of the moment. But I love that Tony has got into it too.

And I love having this little creative moment in my day. A moment of silliness. And there’s something about the drawings only lasting a single day that appeal to me. Like a Periscope video but not. :-)

You can follow Tiny Santa’s (mis-)adventures on my Instagram account until December 24. :-)

PS. Blake wanted me to share that he’s all Christmas-y too. ;-)


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