Join me for some Christmas stitchalong fun!
You may remember I did a Christmas stitchalong club with small motifs in 2013? How was it 2013? It seems like it was just last year? Time…
Anyway! I’m doing another one this year, because 1) it was FUN and 2) I’m working on another book (!!!) and that can get a bit lonely so I thought it’d be nice to have another club as a distraction. So I’m not just stitching all on my own. Even if we’re not actually in the same space and sharing a hot beverage and triple choc muffins!
So from this Monday (Oct 31st) I’ll be hosting a Christmas Stitchalong – and I’d love it if you’d join me!
You will receive 3 small motifs each week for 8 weeks and in the end we’ll put them together to make a finished project. Each motif can be finished in 1-2 hours, so it should be possible to finish them in a week. But if you don’t.. no biggie! They don’t have to be finished by Christmas. Maybe you’d like to save them up and stitch them over Christmas. It’s all good.
If you took part in the 2013 Christmas Stitchalong, none of the motifs will be repeated, it’s all new motifs. If you’re new to embroidery, this is for you too. No complicated stitches needed. In fact, I’ll do most of them in back stitch.
Sign up here and read about the schedule and what the end project will be. If you sign up by Friday (Nov 4th) you can sign up for just £5 – no code necessary.
I hope you’ll stitch with me! :-)
xo Carina