New Pattern :: Summer in A Jar

Summer is almost over. Although, as I’m writing this, it feels very much like summer still. 22°C in the shade at 10 AM! I plan on sitting in the garden with my embroidery later. Better make the most of it, right? :-)

It is the pattern I have been using in classes at the Village Haberdashery in London this summer. It is a nice pattern for beginners to practice a few ‘basic’ stitches. Back stitch, stem stitch, French knot, lazy daisy and satin stitch are all the stitches you need to know to work this pattern.

And to be honest, those are the stitches I use the most anyway. Doing something for ten years doesn’t mean you get all fancy and complicated. ;-)

So basically, this is a great pattern for doing a bit of stitching as summer leans towards autumn. Maybe grab a cold drink and sit in the sun for an hour and listen to the birds while you stitch. Bliss. :-)

Buy the Summer in A Jar pattern in my Payhip shop.

Embroidery classes

There are more dates available to take a beginner embroidery class with me at the Village Haberdashery in London. It would be lovely to meet you there. :-)

September: 12th and 16th.

October: 10th and 14th.

November: 11th and 14th.

December: 12th. For the December class there will be a special seasonal pattern instead of the Summer in A Jar pattern.


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