New Pattern :: Noël Wreath

Happy Monday! There’s only seven weeks until Christmas! Which is both exciting and OMG-where-did-the-year-go?! It defintely feels winter-y today, it was near freezing on our morning walk, there is no escaping the changing season.

When it’s cold outside, you can always sit indoors with embroidery and maybe a dog on your lap. Or maybe that’s just me? Blake isn’t a super cuddly dog, but occasionally he will come and sit on my lap. Usually when it’s least convenient. Go figure. :-)

Anyway, what will you stitch while hiding from the cold outside? You could stitch this Noël Wreath pattern. It is a pattern I have made for the beginner embroidery classes at The Village Haberdashery in December.

But if you already know embroidery or are not near London I don’t want you to feel left out, so you can get your hands on the Noël Wreath pattern here.

The pattern has two sizes of the pattern and I also made an alternative version with holly instead of mistletoe. And you could even mix and match it, so you have mistletoe and holly in the same embroidery.


1 Comment

  1. November 6, 2017 / 2:25 pm

    So pretty!

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