Blue Amagerhylde

This is my Amagerhylde, Amager shelf. In Denmark it is known by this name but in other countries it is usually called a pyramid shelf. For obvious reasons. :-)

Mine was made by my great-grandfather (as far as I know, I should check with my mum). I got it after my grandfather passed away.

I recently painted the shelf this pale blue colour. Although I was reluctant to paint the shelf because it reminded me of my grandparents’ home. But I didn’t really like the old brown colour, so I finally painted it earlier this year. And then it took a few months before we finally hung it in the spare bedroom. Although it only needed a single nail to hang it!

I have this thing with polar bears. :-)


1 Comment

  1. December 7, 2017 / 11:45 am

    Lovely! My grandmother’s now adorns my living room… has a natural finish. It’s one of my most precious things, given the memories. (My mom was actually born on Amager.) They seem hard to find when I’m in DK, even at flea markets.

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