Wintery Weekend

It snowed this morning! I’m so happy. I miss snow. We get it so rarely here. It seemed like it would turn to rain and disappear again, but as I’m writing this, it is snowing again!

We went for a little walk to make the most of the snow in case it did disappear. Blake enjoyed it, despite the look on his face here. Snow kept getting in his eyes, poor boy. :-)

I made a fresh batch of æbleskiver for elevenses today. It seemed the right thing to do on a snowy Sunday in December. Of course, while I was making them, I had Christmas music playing and I was singing along. :-D

Last night we got all cozy, watching Love, Actually. It’s one of our traditions now, there are certain films we watch through the December weekends. Do you do that too? Last weekend we watched Scrooged. Blake usually curls up by my feet, but last night he decided to get extra cozy, snoring away on my lap. ♥

Yesterday I taught beginner embroidery at The Village Haberdashery. This time we used the Noël Wreath pattern to make it festive. It was a great class, they picked it up so fast. I love watching people learn stitches, it makes me so happy.

More classes are planned in January and February if you’re in London and want to learn embroidery.

I stitched this using up odds and ends of thread. I think it turned out quite cute. Might have to do some more of this.

On Friday, a package arrived from my parents, no less than four Danish magazines, all saturated with Christmas inspiration. Liquorice for me and pebernødder for Tony. My mum sends him a batch every year because we still haven’t nailed a nice vegan version of these biscuits. One day!

I hope you’re having a lovely Sunday, whether you have snow or not. I’m about to put on my big coat and boots so Blake can have an afternoon walk. And it’s still snowing quite heavily, woohoo!


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