Whales Quilt Top Take Two

I tested the Whales quilt top from the Polar Bear Country ebook, juuust in case I made any errors in the pattern. The pattern was fine (it’s a fairly simple pattern after all) but I actually made a tiny mistake when putting the top together, can you spot it? It’s not a big deal at all, it just gives the quilt a slightly different look.

In take two I accidentally swapped the position of the whale blocks, so instead of whales being below the squares in the block, they are above. I like it either way, it’s nice when a pattern is flexible and works in different ways. :-)

To be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure how the top would work out in these different colours. I mean, the original was made with ocean colours in mind, would it even work in this aqua and red combo? Happily, I think it does. It’s definitely more cheerful! I kinda want to make another in very bright colours, just to see how that would look.

Whales Take Two will be a gift for my parents, I kinda wish I could keep it, but I already told them they’re getting it, so there’s no way back now. ;-)


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