I want to support the good people who work in the NHS but other than staying home and wearing a mask…I’m not sure what else I can do. Clapping for people doesn’t really help?
Especially if some of the people who are clapping then turn around and have their whole family round for all of Christmas Day or have them come round to their house every other day despite the fact that we’re in a lock down! (Yeah, neighbours, I’m looking at you!) Rant over.
On Saturday, I decided that I’d offer a free embroidery pattern to any NHS worker who would like one. So I posted that on Instagram and I’ve just emailed a bunch of patterns to people who asked for a pattern.
I kinda got the feeling that some almost felt bad for asking. Like they don’t deserve it? Because they are just doing their jobs. But “just” doing those jobs helps keep people healthy and live. Under extreme pressure from the corona virus. And Brexit. And a decade of Tory cuts and hollowing out of the service. So dang it, they deserve a pattern. I mean, that’s the very least they deserve. Pay rise would be good for a start but sadly I’m not in charge of that.
I’d like to also invite any NHS workers reading my blog to have a free embroidery pattern on me. Just take a look in my Payhip shop and then send me an email (carina@carinascraftblog.com) to let me know which one you would like. Offer valid until midnight Wednesday 20th January.
You don’t have to provide proof that you work for the NHS. I trust that you won’t be a d*ck and pretend to be something you’re not to take advantage of me. :-D
If you work for the NHS and you don’t want a pattern, please accept my gratitude. You are awesome. Even if you think you’re just doing your job. Thank you.
Wow! I am not affiliated in any way, shape or form with NHS…but applaud your initiative. Thanks for your generosity towards the heroes that are working so hard fighting the pandemic!
Thank you. :-)