There’s a bunch of food recipes this week. Funny how that happened! I don’t go looking for particular things to add in the links list. I just stumble across things that intrigue or inspire me (or that I want to have a link to for later) and email myself a link and then at the end of the week I put those links together here. Are you going to try any of the recipes? I’m thinking of maybe buying a donut cutter and give that a go. :-)
I hope you have a lovely weekend. I think I’ll spend some quality time with a bit of appliqué. :-) x Carina
Beautiful art by Phil Greenwood. {via}
Potato pizza recipe. Yum. :-)
Michael Stipe on R.E.M.’s Legacy and Writing Music Again, Rolling Stone interview.
Vegan donut recipe. Excuse me, I’m just going to wipe the drool off my keyboard! ;-)
Why I Think Every Visual Creative Should Keep A Sketchbook.
Lemon granita recipe. I used to make something like this all the times at one point. So delicious. Goes well with chocolate cake.
Fat Gay Vegan has a list of London eateries to visit.
Ceramic Mosaics Mend Cracked Sidewalks, Potholes, and Buildings.