This is just a quick note about subscribing to receive my blog posts via email.
This was previously done through a Google site called Feedburner but they have made some changes to that which means it won’t support email subscriptions any longer. So, I have changed the emails subscriptions to be provided through a site called Follow.it. I have imported the subscribers so there shouldn’t be any change for you, but if you are suddenly not receiving my blogs posts as an email, please visit this link where you can re-subscribe.
But wait, there’s more! Apart from just subscribing you can also filter the emails by tags and frequency and more.
If you click that link above, you will first see that page with the big Follow button. When you click on that button you will see the page below. And then you can filter the blog posts you want to receive, if you don’t want all of them, and how to receive the emails and how often. Clever, eh? :-)