My obsession with leaf shapes clearly continues. And now it has spread to my clothes! I cut some stamps and then I went crazy on a plain tee. Ok, maybe not so crazy, but you know. I really like how it turned out, so I think I might do something similar on a couple more plain tees.

I also made a new Dalek tee for Tony. I guess that’s a fitting way to, er, celebrate the finale of the latest series of Doctor Who.

Edit: Since a couple of you are asking what ink I use, I thought I better answer it here. I use the VersaCraft ink pads for fabric. Although some of the pads actually say Fabrico on them but look exactly like the other ones; could be a new name for the same thing. These are small square ink pads, not sure if they come in a larger size as well. Stamp on your fabric, let it dry, then set it with an iron. It works really well, I’ve made a few t-shirts this way and the ink seems to last pretty well. Hope this helps! :-)