At the staff briefing at work today we were told that, depending on what day we’re working, tomorrow or Saturday will be our very last day. Everyone had thought that we would be coming in after the store was finally closed to take down fittings and such. But we’re not. Which is a relief. It would only have been adding injury to insult.
Well, this message was received with silence as the finality of the whole thing sank in. A few tears were shed. But, despite how sad the whole thing is, there was also a sense of relief. Now we know when it will finally be over and we won’t have to deal with what we’ve had to go through this past month. It seems like it has been a lot longer, to be honest!
It feels like a huge weight has been lifted, the stress of this whole process has gone. Of course, that will now be replaced with the pressure of the unknown. Not knowing when I’ll get another job, and worries about money are sure to pop up as well.
I’m positive, though. Of course I’ll get another job! But I won’t mind a few unemployed weeks to recuperate and create.
So, tomorrow, Friday 2 January, is my last day. I won’t have to get up early on Sunday. Yay!