Hello! I am super excited!
Part of my excitement is because I have a new pattern in the shop: Dalahäst /Swedish Horse. I love those horses and I’ve been wanting to make a pattern with one for ages – and here it finally is!
But there’s another reason for my excitement: we’re off to Dennmark very, very soon! I can barely wait! And we’re going for over a week – which is also very exciting, because usually we’re only there for a week at the most.
We”ll be going on a day trip to the very south and south-west of Jylland/Jutland.. and I’m wondering if any of you happen to be Danish and/or familiar with that area.. sorry, I’m gonna switch over to Danish now. ;-)
Vi skal på en lille tur til Frøslevlejren og derefter kører vi over til Esbjerg… jeg gad godt “tilfældigvis” falde over nogle gode genbrugsbutikker eller bagagerumsmarkeder eller noget i den stil. Hvis du kender til området vil jeg meget gerne høre fra dig!