Days Out :: Hockney Exhibition

On Monday I went to see the David Hockney exhibition at Tate Britain. I highly recommend it. If you can get tickets for it, that is. It is a very popular exhibition. It ends on Monday, so get your skates on if you want a chance to see it. Make sure you’re well feed and hydrated because it takes a while to get through the exhibition and it’s hot in there. ;-)

It’s a retrospective to obviously there is stuff from way back up until very recent.  I’m not so keen on the stuff from the 60s, but the paintings from the 90s onward, I really dig. Lots of colour.

But the thing that really struck me were a group of charcoal sketches of spring in Yorkshire. So beautiful. Seeing those up close was really inspiring. A good reminder that drawing is an important corner stone, if not a key stone, to great art.

Light installation at Tate Britain.

Floor at Tate Britain. Quilt inspiration is everywhere. ;-)

Victoria Tower seen through Victoria Gardens.

Victoria Tower and Westminster Palace.


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