The Polar Bears Are Coming!

It feels like a nice summery day today! So it’s the perfect day to give you a little sneak peek at Polar Bear Country, an ebook I have been working on the past few months. Because polar bears and summer are like peas in a pod, right? ;-)

It is a collection of embroidery and sewing patterns inspired by flora and fauna of Greenland. There’s an iceberg too!

Although I have never visited Greenland, it has always been a part of my life. My uncle lived there for many years, my aunt is from Greenland and so my cousins are part Greenlandic and part Danish.

My parents and grandparents have visited Greenland on more than one occasion. So it’s always been a part of my life and I have always doodled polar bears. I still remember a painting I did of a landscape with polar bears I did in school.

A couple of years ago, I had the idea for this ebook but then life and the Mandalas book got in the way. But now the ebook is almost ready. It should hit the shop next week. I am so excited!

But frankly, also a bit terrified. When you have this idea and then you put a lot of work into it and you have no idea if anyone else is going to like it. And buy it, because let’s face it, if no one buys it, I’ll have spent a lot of time and effort with not much to show for. Which, as I said, is scary!

So I’m crossing my fingers that when I put my heart and soul into it, it will resonate with others too.

The ebook has embroidery patterns, machine appliqué patterns (that’s new for me!) and a couple of quilt top patterns.

I can’t wait to show you more pictures and tell about it in more details! But for now, I’m off to enjoy the sunshine in the garden. :-) xo Carina



  1. April 19, 2018 / 1:13 am

    I look forward to seeing more pictures of this new book! I adore polar bears and love the sneak peek :) I am sure with your talents this e book with be a success! Enjoy the sunshine – here in MI USA we still have grey clouds and getting 3 more inches of snow tonight.

  2. April 19, 2018 / 6:25 am

    Nej, hvor spændende! :) Vi var lige ovre ved dine forældre i forgårs. Der viste de os din nyeste bog. Den var så fin! Jeg glæder mig til at se denne her :) mange kærlige hilsner Laila

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