I finished this in January. Home Sweet Home. The text is actually almost irrelevant, I just needed something short. Pizza Sweet Pizza could have worked just as well. Maybe. ;-)
I just needed some text for the middle of this piece. As a sort of focal point. But of course, the real focus is on adding details and textures. That’s what it’s really about. That’s why I enjoy making these ‘stitch improv’ pieces.

Layering and adding. Bits of scrap fabrics, buttons, trying new stitches. Like the bullion rose. We’re still not the best of friends, but maybe some day. I like the tulip stitch, isn’t it a lovely stitch? Very sweet, I think.

Here’s the whole thing, hanging in my studio. Actually, saying that the words don’t matter, is not completely true. They do. Or maybe they started to matter as I was working on this. Thinking about what and where ‘home’ is.