New Ebook :: Polar Beary Country

Happy Tuesday, friends!

The work on the Polar Bear Country ebook is done and it is available in my shop, woohoo!

This ebook has been a loooooong time in the making. I had the idea for it two and a half years ago and the embroideries were (mostly) finished about two years ago. But then a book got in the way and then it took me a little while to get the embroidery mojo back to finish the projects. To be honest, for a little while I actually couldn’t find the bag I had tucked all the projects and notes into. ;-)

But now it’s here, finally, after two years, and a lot of time spent in front of the computer in the past couple of months. Putting it all together was more work than I thought it would be. I forgot how long it can take to fiddle with little details!

Anyway, here are the links to buy the ebook. The links go to the main categories for Polar Bear Country because I decided to make the two quilt top patterns available separately as well. My two first proper quilt top patterns!

Here’s an overview of the ebook:

There are 13 projects, with 14 templates. There is a bunch of embroidery patterns as well (of course!) and because some of the templates are made so they can work as embroidery patterns as well, you get 13 embroidery patterns in the ebook. Nice!

The projects are a happy mix of bookmarks, cushion covers, a table runner, wall hanging and quilt tops plus more besides.

The projects are not super difficult, but if you have some sewing experience it would be an advantage. I have included stitch tutorials and tutorials for various techniques used in the book. There is some machine appliqué/embroidery in the book. I am still quite new to this, but I hope that since I had to use my own tutorial, it is easy for other beginners to follow too. If not, feel free to email me and make suggestions! :-)

I can hardly believe that I made a project with only grey! It is so far away from my usual riot of colours but I wanted this table runner to feel.. I dunno… elegant and minimalist. So grey it is. And you know what? I really love it! :-)

This is a baby quilt I made for my cousin’s daughter last year. I want to make a large version for me. I think if I double the size it should be the right size for a (short) adult. ;-)

No less than three cushion patterns in the ebook. You can never have too many cushions, right? Well, I’m not sure my Tony agrees, but what does he know?! ;-) That cushion on top is one of my favourite projects in the book. It was one of those “I have no idea if this is going to work” but it did and even better than I was hoping!

Buy In Polar Bear Country here.


1 Comment

  1. April 25, 2018 / 6:56 am

    it looks fabulous ! you are so talented , i'm definitely going to make myself a little needle book, and I love the whale booches very much :)

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