A little while ago we came across a TV series called Speechless. It’s been going for a few years, but we only discovered it recently. From IMDB: The family of a special-needs teen is good at dealing with the challenges he faces – and excellent at creating new ones. It has Minnie Driver playing the mum and she is excellent. Very much enjoying it. :-)
Eight Tips For Parenting The Geek Within.
A “Kon-Mari” method style tool for going through the people you follow on Twitter. I recommend using the keyboard shortcuts, Especially if you follow loads of people.
Breathing life back into goldwork.
Just a reminder that there’s still time to register to vote in the EU elections. But hurry, you must be registered by Monday, May 7th!
Now that I’m working on the embroidery for the next book, I listen to a lot of podcasts. I thought I’d share a few of my favourites with you:
David Tennant Does A Podcast – Happier with Gretchen Rubin – The Allusionist – Lingthusiasm – The West Wing Weekly – The History Chicks – The Moment with Brian Koppelman – P6 Beat City (a music podcast that focuses on one city at a time. It’s in Danish, but the music is mainly English language.)
Oldie but goldie pattern highlight if you need a stitchy project for the weekend. Wild Rose Warbler. :-)