For Christmas I got a new tablet and of course I had to make a cover for it! The patchwork on one side is inspired by this photo by Heidi Gustafson. It’s not exactly the same colours of course, but I liked the idea of sorta-kinda colour order. And the more subtle colours than I would normally gravitate towards. But I also wanted a bit of contrast so I added some pops of yellow. And one of the light pink colours has glitter in it. :-D

On the other side I used stripes in stead of squares. Mainly, I have to admit, to make the sewing quicker. It takes more time to sew squares together! I quite like the stripes too, though.

I didn’t want the stylus to roll about in the cover, so I made a pocket on the inside of the cover. The cover has a double layer of quilting to make sure the tablet is nicely protected. And a zip so nothing can fall out.