Hi! How are you doing these days? I feel kinda normal? But also like everything is weird? The part that has felt most discombobulated is coming up with new ideas for embroideries. As in, I’ve not felt any ideas floating about at all. That’s kind of a panic-y feeling but I know the panic won’t help, so I’m trying not to give myself a hard time about it.
Instead I have been tidying up in my wee studio and finishing up old projects. Even throwing/giving some away if I just couldn’t see a way to finish them. It’s been good. Clear the decks and make space for new things, physically and mentally.
You already met one of the projects, the shirt Potter Star quilt. All those shirts were taking up a lot of space. A. Lot. But now they are made into something pretty and useful and the scraps and shirts I had left over have gone to a new home.

Here is another make from ‘random stuff in my stash’. A cushion made from samples from The Stripes Company and some red canvas I had lying about. I fantasize about having a bunch of cushions in jaunty stripes like that, but for now this cushion will do. Blake seems to enjoy it too. :-)

Another cushion project. I started these…2-3 years ago. But put them aside because stitching through the layers by hand wasn’t going too well. But in the meantime I have learnt how to do machine embroidery, so that’s what I used on the leaves and I could finally finish the cushions! :-D

I’m really happy with how they have turned out, so bright and cheerful. Aaaand as you can see, Blake is enjoying them too!