My finished embroidery for the third week of the February Mandala Stitchalong. I have really enjoyed knowing that there are other people out there, stitching the same patterns as me these past weeks. That has been really nice. If you’re one of them, thank you for stitching with me!
You can still join in the stitchalong, it’s an absolutely no-pressure stitchalong where you could just sign up, download the patterns and stitch them sometime in July if you prefer. :-)
Edited: the stitchalong has ended but the four mandala patterns plus nine extras are available in my Payhip shop and on Etsy.
Here are some Friday links on a Saturday. Hope you have a good weekend! x Carina
Essays from the ikfoundation.org
A Handbook for Artists Facing Persecution.
Search similar images on same.energy. This is fascinating!
Turkish Garbage Collectors Open a Library from Books Rescued from the Trash.
radio.garden – listen to radio stations all over the world.
2 Ingredient Yogurt Flatbreads. I tried this recipe and it turned out very nice using vegan Greek style yogurt. And a pinch of baking powder. So I guess it was three ingredients in my case. :-)
Easy art projects to try at home using materials from your recycling, by Darrell Wakelam.
Publishers, curation and algorithms. “Publishing to an algorithm is not the same as publishing to an audience.“
Thanks for sharing these wonderful resources. Can’t wait to indulge in some audio from around our beautiful, complicate world! The Sewing Heritage article is just beautiful!