This past week these poppies have exploded in our back garden! It is so wonderful, all that colour! These are from seeds I have collected over the past few years. I spread them in the flower bed last spring but nothing came of them. I guess they needed a year in the ground first.
I love seeing the new batch of poppies each morning, by mid afternoon they have usually dropped. Ephemeral…

How is that even a real flower and not something from someone’s imagination?! So beautiful.
Last year we also spread a bag of mixed wild flower seeds but that only turned into weird grass which I had to pull out. This year we do seem to have some wild flowers, so I guess they needed to rest through the winter before flowering. If you think I know basically nothing about gardening, you would be right! :-D

Poppies are beautiful in all stages. Bud, flower, seed pod. I may actually be slightly obsessed. Maybe? :-)

Spotted this one on my walk with Blake yesterday morning. It is a sculpture. Perfection.
Poppies are gorgeous, indeed! I have seeds for a variety called Amazing Grey, but I didn’t get them planted in time. I might sprinkle a few in the ground at the end of the season, so maybe they’ll sprout next spring.
And, perhaps there will be a poppy pattern in the future?
When I walk Blake, I make mental notes of where there are pretty poppies and I’ll go back and collect the pods so I can scatter the seeds in the autumn. Hopefully next year I’ll have a garden full of all kinds of poppies. :-)
And yes, there may be some poppy patterns in the future. :-D