Today is the day of the last pattern in the August Mandala Stitchalong. This week it’s featuring paisley patterns. Paisleys are one of my favourite pattern element type things. All curvy and ornamental. Perfect pairing with a mandala design, I think. :-)
Just a reminder: if you’ve been meaning to sign up for the stitchalong so you can get all four patterns, plus a whole bunch of extras, now is the time to do that. The stitchalong ‘deal’ (just £10!) will only be available until August 31st. The patterns will be released individually shortly after but with fewer extras and at a higher price, so get it now if you fancy stitching some mandalas. :-)

This is how far I have got with the pattern from last week. I do aim to finish each pattern in the week it is released but I guess I got distracted by the sketching course. It’s a good thing it’s a no stress “don’t have to finish it” type of stitchalong! :-D