It is finally starting to feel like spring. Right on cue for Beltane. Warmer temperatures and the trees are almost completely green. And blossoms are appearing everywhere! I love this time of year. Just waiting for the hawthorn to blossom…one of my favourites spring time smells. :-)
Here is my Beltane embroidery, partially stitched. I think I say this every season, but I am so looking forward to working the next motif in the Wheel of The Year. I wish I had become familiar with it sooner, the Wheel is such a lovely framework for the year…
Join the Wheel of The Year stitchalong here. :-)

This apple tree couldn’t be a better colour match for the Beltane embroidery if it tried! Perfect. I always keep an eye on this tree when I walk Blake. When it blossoms then I know that spring is here. And that green + pink combination is just perfect. One of my favourite colour combinations. :-)

Just to the right of the apple tree is this lane that goes between some fields. I love how the trees almost meet above it. A leafy tunnel. I would love to walk down the lane but the cars that come through there go really fast so it’s not safe.