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  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
  • Happy Beltane!

    Happy Beltane!
Revived Hexagon Quilt

Revived Hexagon Quilt

I started working on a hexagon quilt, using only Denyse Schmidt fabrics, in 2013. Twenty Thirteen! The picture above shows pretty much the sum total of how far I got with that project. Since then,…

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Baking Panis Quadratus

Baking Panis Quadratus

Something a bit different from my usual posts… I baked a panis quadratus! Bread in the style of Ancient Rome! I don’t know why it has never occurred to me that you could do that.…

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New: 2022 Wheel of The Year Pattern

New: 2022 Wheel of The Year Pattern

I have finally (!) finished turning the files from the 2022 Wheel of The Year stitchalong into a pattern. I didn’t expect it to take this long, almost a year! But it’s finally done. Buy…

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New: 2022 Wheel of The Year Pattern
Cushion for A Friend

Cushion for A Friend

This cushion cover is a present I made for one of my friends in Denmark. She was born in Lebanon but spent a good chunk of her childhood and her teenage years in Denmark. We…

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Happy Autumn Equinox!

Happy Autumn Equinox!

A couple of weeks ago it really did not feel like any kind of autumn was near at all. For about a week we hit 29-32°C every day. Too hot for England, too hot for…

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Happy Autumn Equinox!

A couple of weeks ago it really did not feel like any kind of autumn was near at all. For about a week we hit 29-32°C every day. Too hot for England, too hot for…

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Sashiko Cushion Cover

Sashiko Cushion Cover

I tried sashiko stitching a little while ago and I have turned the finished stitchery into a cushion cover. I love that stitching pattern, the Asanoha (hemp leaf) pattern. So pretty. My understanding is that…

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Flowers – A Textile Book

Flowers – A Textile Book

Yes, I made another textile book. These books are the perfect ‘container’ for all those random stitcheries that I seem to be fond of making. :-) The stitcheries in this particular book has been over…

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Flowers – A Textile Book

Yes, I made another textile book. These books are the perfect ‘container’ for all those random stitcheries that I seem to be fond of making. :-) The stitcheries in this particular book has been over…

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New Pattern: Be Kind Or F*** Off

New Pattern: Be Kind Or F*** Off

A new pattern! Although to me it is kinda of ‘old’. I actually started working on it in March! And only just finished it… :-D It is designed with beginner stitchers in mind. And/or people…

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