So. Here we are. It’s the last evening of 2012. I could swear it was only yesterday – or last week atleast – that it was January 1st…
I thought I should write a really thoughtful post and wax poetic and whatnot about the year just past – and perhaps about the one to come. But ya know what? I’ve been traipsing around London today in wind & rain and I just feel soooooo sleepy..! zzZZz
So there will be no waxin’ (wax on, wax off) of poetics – and there is a distinct lack of thoughts in my head right now.
But I will say this: Thank you so much for reading this blog, for leaving sweet comments, sending me such nice emails – it means a lot to me, more than I can say. I hope you enjoy these last few hours of 2012 and, if I may be so bold to make a wish for you and me, here’s to an amazing 2013. :-)
xo Carina
A few photos from 2012…

I became a vegetarian early this year. This makes me very happy.

There was an insane amount of sketching for the book. And stitching. And writing. And sewing. And drawing of patterns.

We went to see a stage of Tour de France. It was pretty cool. And kinda boring too. Standing around for hours and then they are basically gone in a flash.

I spent a quiet morning and afternoon in the inlaws’ house and garden on a crazy hot day in the summer. Taking photos of flowers, sketching them. There weren’t many of those hot days this year, but when proper summer showed it face… it was with a sweltering vengeance.

Most of my crafting this year has gone into the book, so there hasn’t been a lot to show and tell. So I was extra chuffed to have finished this wee colourful quilt. I want to make more quilts in 2013. Not that we actually need more quilts, but you know. And I’m sure I’ll be even more inspired when I’ve been to the Fat Quarterly retreat in July. Maybe you’re going too? It sounds like it’s heaps o’ fun!

This shelf came from my grandparents’ home. When my grandfather passed away last year I was the only one who wanted it! Now it hangs on our wall with my collection of Star Wars PEZ. That also makes me happy; a mix of childhood memories (the shelf) and more recent memories (PEZ).
All the best for 2013! I look forward to seeing more of your craft projects.