Happy New Year!

I wanted to make one of those round up posts of things I have finished this year, but time has somehow completely got away from me in the last couple of weeks. So it will have to wait…maybe I’ll do it next week. ;-)

I will share one thing I finished the other day. A quilt for Tony! I’ll take some better pictures of it soon, but for now here it is courtesy of some Instagram snaps. I had a few moments of ‘holy carp, this is going to be the craziest quilt ever!’ but I really love the end result. :-)

The quilting of that quilt was made so very much easier because I got a new sewing machine!!! I’ve been saving up for one for a little while and then I came across a good offer on this Janome machine at the end of November and then all of a sudden I had ordered it. It felt pretty self indulgent, I have to admit. But I reckon I’ve earned it. And I know I will use it lots and lots. :-)

When I was quilting that quilt I almost had tears in my eyes at one point, because it was so smooth on that new machine and I was just so so happy.

This evening I can’t help thinking about everyone who is in the same situation as me with their pattern shops. I hope a solution can be found and soon! We have to keep telling the powers that be that this is wrong. If you, or someone you know, is closing your shop, I’d love to hear from you.

I want to thank you so much for reading my blog. And if you have bought anything from my shop, a special thank you for that.

Wishing you a very happy new year. May 2015 be everything you want and more too.

xo Carina


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