&Stitches Secret Santa 2015

On the &Stitches blog team we have started a tradition of a Secret Santa swap for the team members. We’ve only done it last year and the year before, but I’m already looking forward to this year’s Secret Santa.

It’s so much fun to get to know the others a bit better and I think it’s important for a team to do stuff like this. Non ‘work’ stuff. Not that &Stitches is work, but it’s still a commitment, so it’s nice to have a team spirit that isn’t just related to whatever is going on on the blog. I love, love, love that we have a team who is game for all the crazy ideas that Nicole, Julie and I throw at them.

Anyway, I was Sophie‘s Secret Santa and this is what I sent her: fudge (not pictured), a denim and neon pink whale*, a mini hoop brooch with blackwork embroidery, some shiny Kreinik thread and a fun fish stamp I found in V&A.

*I used this whale pattern, but scaled down.

Sophie and I both love whales, so I knew I had to make her one. I may have to make one for myself, because I love how it turned out. I especially love the lines on the belly… it makes it very..whale-y. And of course, everything is better with neon pink!

Since &Stitches is an embroidery blog I also wanted to make Sophie something embroidered and I decided on using a Dandelyne mini hoop to make a brooch with blackwork. I am still in love with blackwork, I really need to do some more of it.

So a little bit of making did happen in December – although it feels like December practically whooshed by in a blur…


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