Since I finished the Folk Florals daily project last week, I have been doing more bottensöm embroidery. I love how (relatively) quickly it works up. And it’s not something where you have to be super precise, unlike for example satin stitching.
It’s very relaxing and it has been the perfect stitchy project this past week while I’ve been recuperating from a small operation on my leg. (Nothing serious! I should be back to normal very soon!) So I’ve spent the past five days on the sofa with my stitching while watching West Wing. :-D

I have missed West Wing but the past four years I just haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it. It was just too far away from the reality of the US ‘presidency’. But now things are looking up somewhat, so I can enjoy it again. And I’ve started listening to the West Wing Weekly podcast from the beginning again. Very much recommend!

Sadly, sitting with my leg up on the sofa has not been conducive to daily blogging (which was my goal this month!) or anything else that requires working on the computer. I’ll just have to make up for it in December! Maybe. ;-)
At least I managed a post today before I’m back on the sofa in the company of CJ, Charlie, Donna et all. :-)
I’m really loving the Bottensom embrodiery Carina! Can you recommend a book or tutorial for someone who would like to try it (me!)?
Thank you, Jo! I can’t really recommend anything because it’s all in Swedish! Buuuuut, I plan on posting a tutorial next week! :-D
OMG, this Yank misses The West Wing so much! But I haven’t been able to watch it for the last 4 years because I feared I would just feel so much worse when the credits run and I have to come back to reality. Seriously, I can’t decide if The West Wing is comfort-TV or soft-core liberal prn.
I think it’s probably a bit of both?! :-D I wish our current PM were even half the leader that fictional Bartlet is!
PS: Love the bottensöm embroidery! Barbara
Happy that I found your blog through google. All the works are lovely. I will be following you. Do visit my hand embroidery blog