It’s December in just a few days…it feels like June was just a couple of days ago. This year has been a big ball of timey wimey stuff, hasn’t it? I’m not feeling in the festive spirit at all. Despite baking Danish Christmas biscuits yesterday. With cinnamon, so at least the house smells like Christmas!
Maybe you also need some help to get into the Christmas spirit? I’ve put together some links and stuff to help us along. Hope you like them. xx
My Christmas playlist on Spotify. It’s quite eclectic! :-)
My Christmas embroidery patterns.
Speaking of Christmas patterns, my Christmas Deer pattern is now available in my Ko-Fi shop for free (or pay what you want).
Minimalist Christmas Decor. I used to be more is more when it comes to Christmas decorating but the past couple of years I have actually tried to get rid of some of the Christmas decs. Although I doubt I’ll ever be as minimal as Benita Larsson in that YouTube video! :-)
I made a Christmas quilt a few years ago. And took pictures of it on a rare snowy day!
My pal Aimee Ray has this free cute Christmas pattern.
I want to get something like this fun ceramic tree for our Christmas table. Admittedly, it is a wee bit kitschy but maybe a bit of kitsch is just what we need this year!
I made a paper Christmas tree topper last year using this tutorial. The one I made is in the picture at the top of the post. :-)
One year I did an advent calendar here on the blog showing ways to wrap up small presents. Some of the ideas were better than others!! And I made an actual advent calendar using pockets from Tony’s old shirts.
Tony and I have a tradition of watching a Christmas film every weekend in December. The films we usually watch are: Scrooged, The Muppet Christmas Carol, Arthur Christmas. The past couple of years some new ones that we quite like: The Christmas Chronicles and Klaus. And I usually watch The Holiday at some point. :-) What are your go-to Christmas films?