As we’re back in lock down here in England since the middle of this week, I drew this pattern to keep us occupied. And maybe re-enforce the message that we just gotta stay home. It’s as important as ever this past year. Maybe even more so, what with the new strain that is running rampant.
Save lives: stay home and stitch! :-)
You can find the pattern for free on my Ko-fi page (or pay for it if you want.) And please do tag me on Instagram if you stitch the pattern, as always I’d love to see your version. xx

There are no colour suggestions included in the pattern because I haven’t stitched the pattern myself yet. You can stitch the whole thing just using back stitch (I love back stitch). Or maybe you want to be a bit fancier. I haven’t really got a plan for mine yet, I’m just going to use whatever stitches take my fancy at the time. :-)